Thursday 13 September 2018

5 Amazing Stained Concrete Application Techniques

Concrete staining is just one of the many ways to add color to a concrete deck. It is one of the most preferred because the colors are rich, deep, and long-lasting. It can be used on both indoor and outdoor concrete surfaces. Aside from making a plain concrete surface more decorative, stained concrete can also be used to hide imperfections through unique application techniques.

Application Technique

This is the most common method of applying a concrete stain. The stain is first applied on the edges using a brush. This needs to be done carefully to keep the stain from going to the walls and to make sure that the edges are covered well. The rest of the surface is covered with stain using a nap roller. Once dry, apply another layer, then rinse thoroughly after the second layer has dried. Apply a sealer once completely dry.

Blending Technique

Using two or more colors, each stain is applied on the surface using a sprayer. You spray one spot with one color then spray another color on a small spot beside the one you previously sprayed on, and so on. The goal here is to acquire a marbled look. Make sure to spray wet on wet. The colors may mix and blend a little and that is perfectly fine. Apply a sealer when it has all dried.

Misting Technique

This combines the application technique and misting. The first two solid layers are applied on the concrete slab first, creating a base color. For the third layer, use a sprayer to mist the surface with another color. This should be done lightly so that only specks of the second color can be seen against the base color. You can mist addition colors if you desire. Seal after it has all dried.

Sponge or Rag Technique

First, apply a base coat using the application technique. Then, using a rag or sponge, apply your second color randomly. You may also rag or sponge in a pattern. Let it dry before you apply another layer of sponged or ragged color. When everything has dried, apply a good sealer on top.

Stenciling Technique

Using tape or a pre-made stencil, you can stain patterns on a concrete surface with ease. Let’s say you have a plain concrete floor. You can stick a brick pattern on the concrete using tape. The stain is then applied using a nap roller or spray. When everything has dried, you can remove the tape you have placed. Those areas that were covered with tape will have a different color, thus, emphasizing the pattern even more.

The design possibilities are almost endless with a stained concrete floor. No matter which technique you choose to go with, the colors are guaranteed to be rich and long-lasting.

The post 5 Amazing Stained Concrete Application Techniques appeared first on Denver Concrete Artisans.


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