Wednesday 20 December 2017

3 Pool Entry Options to Complete Your Pool Deck Design

pool deck design denverCreating a pool deck design plan requires a lot of thinking and researching. With the numerous options out there and the many different elements that make up a complete deck, choosing just a few can be quite challenging. One of the crucial elements on a deck is the pool entry. It is important to choose the one that would be most convenient and comfortable for you and everyone in the family. There are three popular types that come highly recommended. Read on to learn more about each one:

Baja Shelf

A baja is also called an acapulco shelf, a sun shelf, or a tanning shelf, among a few others. It is often a foot or more lower than the deck, and it extends a few meters into the pool. Think of it as an oversized step into the pool where there is enough water to dip your feet or legs but not the entire body. This is an ideal option if you have kids or pets. They can play in the water at a comfortable depth. It is wide enough to give them enough space to wade without falling into the deeper part of the pool. Some pool owners even install pool chairs or daybeds on it. You are able to lounge like you would on the deck while being able to enjoy the water like you would in the pool. It is, indeed, having the best of both worlds.

Beach Entry

Why not transform the pool area into a mini backyard beach? The beach entry features the same gradual slope of a sea shore as it goes deeper into the sea. Not only is this a standout design, it also gives a easy and safe access for children, pets, and even people with handicaps, especially those in wheelchairs. They would be able to wheel themselves in whenever they want. Just make sure to choose non-skid pool deck materials to keep prevent slips and falls. There are decorative concrete coatings, like a spray knockdown finish, that feature a slip-resistant texture which is perfect for beach entries.

Pool Steps

The most tradition option is pool steps. The design, however, is wider nowadays than it was before. You can choose to have curved or geometric steps to match the theme of the pool area. You can add patterns and designs on the step to make it appealing and easier to identify. Make them wide enough to accommodate the entire foot and to give swimmers a comfortable spot to sit while taking a rest.

The post 3 Pool Entry Options to Complete Your Pool Deck Design appeared first on Denver Concrete Artisans.


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